home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1998-03-26 | 41.3 KB | 1,023 lines |
- ;
- ;$VER: Install-Script 1.2 (12.03.98)
- ;
- ;======================
- ;=== Global strings ===
- ;======================
- (set #installer_locale 0)
- ;
- ; Determine language
- ;
- ; #installer_locale = 0: english
- ; = 1: deutsch
- ; = 2: sverige
- ;
- (if (= @language "deutsch") (set #installer_locale 1))
- (if (= @language "sverige") (set #installer_locale 2))
- ;
- ;==================== english ====================
- ;
- (if (= #installer_locale 0)
- (set
- ;=== general ===
- ;
- #welcome_text (cat "This script lets you install\n" @app-name "\non your system.")
- #welcome_update (cat "This script will update an existing\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
- #welcome_remove (cat "This script will remove an existing\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
- #error_instvers_msg (cat "You are using the installer version %ld.%ld.\n"
- "This script will probably not work.\n"
- "Try installing anyway ?")
- #error_instvers_help (cat "Get the most resent version from http://www.amiga.de\nVersion 42.9+ is required.")
- #action_prompt (cat "What do you want to do ?")
- #action_help (cat "Select an action to perform.")
- #action_install (cat "Install")
- #action_update (cat "Update")
- #action_remove (cat "Remove")
- #cpu_too_low (cat "You have installed a " (database "cpu") " processor, but a 68020 processor "
- "is minimal required in order to use " @app-name ".\nI'm quitting now...")
- ;=== program files ===
- ;
- #askdest_prompt (cat "Select destination for " @app-name ". A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #askdest_help (cat "Select the destination drawer for " @app-name ". A new drawer will be generated.")
- #files2copy_prompt (cat "Select main program to install.")
- #files2copy_help (cat "Select the program file to install according to the processor your system has.")
- #copycopy_prompt (cat "The %s version of " @app-name " will be copied.")
- #copycopy_help (cat #copycopy_prompt)
- ;=== catalogs ===
- ;
- #catalog_f2c_prompt (cat "Select language catalog to copy.")
- #catalog_f2c_help (cat "Select the language(s) to install.")
- #getcat_prompt (cat "Select target drawer for catalog(s). A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #getcat_help (cat "Normally, select the drawer the main program was installed to. "
- "A new drawer will be generated, if necessary. "
- "LOCALE: would be another option.")
- #copycat_prompt (cat "Copying %s catalog...")
- #copycat_help (cat "The %s catalog files will be copied.")
- ;=== guide ===
- ;
- #guide_f2c_prompt (cat "Select documentation to install.")
- #guide_f2c_help (cat "Select documentation language you like to install.")
- #getdoc_prompt (cat "Select destination for documentation. A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #getdoc_help (cat "Normally, select the drawer the main program was installed to. "
- "A new drawer will be generated, if necessary.")
- #copydoc_prompt (cat "Copying documentation...")
- #copydoc_help (cat "The %s documentation will be copied.")
- #copydoc_misc_pmt (cat "Copying miscellaneous documentation...")
- #copydoc_misc_hlp (cat "Some additional texts will be copied.")
- ;=== arexx ===
- ;
- #rexx_f2c_prompt (cat "Install arexx examples ?")
- #rexx_f2c_help (cat "Select wether to install the example arexx files or not.")
- #rexx_dest_prompt (cat "Select arexx example drawer. A new drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #rexx_dest_help (cat "Select a drawer into which the example arexx files will be installed. "
- "A new drawer will be generated, if necessary.")
- #rexx_copy_prompt (cat "Copying arexx examples...")
- #rexx_copy_help (cat "The arexx example files will be copied.")
- ;=== wbstartup ===
- ;
- #cpy_wbstartup_prompt (cat "Start " @app-name " automatically every time you boot ?")
- #cpy_wbstartup_help (cat "An icon will be copied to SYS:WBStartup/ drawer. Every time you boot "
- @app-name " will be started automatically. Select the program version "
- "to be started.")
- #cpy_wbstart_none (cat "No")
- #wbstart_prompt (cat "The %s client will be started on boot time.")
- #wbstart_help (cat "The selected version of " @app-name " will be started during booting.")
- ;=== tooltypes ===
- ;
- #ttype_prefs_prompt (cat "Since %s is a commodity some setup is required.\n"
- "Type the keys which will bring up the preferences window, "
- "for example\n'lshift lalt v' (= left shift + left alt + v):"
- )
- #ttype_prefs_help (cat "Type in a combination of keys, but without then \'.")
- #ttype_load_prompt (cat "Type the keys which will bring up a file load requester:")
- #ttype_load_help (cat "Same as previous. " #ttype_prefs_help)
- #ttype_popup_prompt (cat "Should the preferences window open automatically after program start ?")
- #ttype_popup_help (cat "You can change this later via the tooltype CX_POPUP=<YES|NO>.")
- #ttype_set_prompt (cat "The requested changes to the %s program icon will be made.")
- #ttype_set_help (cat "All changes can be manually altered later.")
- ;=== update drawer ===
- ;
- #update_dest_prompt (cat "Locate " @app-name "'s executable(s):")
- #update_dest_help (cat "Select the drawer where " @app-name "'s executable(s) resides in.")
- #update_f2c_prompt (cat "Select executables to update:")
- #update_f2c_help (cat "Select that executable(s) which should be updated.")
- #update_cat_prompt (cat "Select drawer where old catalogs were installed:")
- #update_cat_help (cat "This should be either the drawer where the executables reside in "
- "or LOCALE:")
- #update_no_exe (cat "Couldn't find files to update. Exitting...")
- ;=== remove drawer ===
- ;
- #remove_safe_prompt (cat "Do you really want to delete your\n" @app-name "\ninstallation ?")
- #remove_safe_help (cat "This is the last chance to cancel !!!")
- #remove_del_prompt (cat "Deleting old\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
- #remove_del_help (cat "You will get no second chance to quit !!!")
- #remove_no_exe (cat "Didn't find " @app-name " executable(s) in selected drawer. Exitting...")
- )
- )
- ;
- ; ==================== deutsch ====================
- ;
- (if (= #installer_locale 1)
- (set
- ;=== general ===
- ;
- #welcome_text (cat "Dieses Script installiert\n" @app-name "\nauf Ihrem System.")
- #welcome_update (cat "Dieses Script erneuert eine vorhandene Installation von\n" @app-name)
- #welcome_remove (cat "Dieses Script entfernt eine vorhandene Installation von\n" @app-name)
- #error_instvers_msg (cat "Sie benutzen den Installer in der Version %ld.%ld.\n"
- "Die Installations wird wahrscheinlich nicht funktionieren.\n"
- "Installation dennoch versuchen ?")
- #error_instvers_help (cat "Die neueste Version ist zu finden unter http://www.amiga.de\nVersion 42.9+ wird benötigt.")
- #action_prompt (cat "Was wollen Sie ausführen ?")
- #action_help (cat "Wählen Sie eine Aktion.")
- #action_install (cat "Installieren")
- #action_update (cat "Erneuern")
- #action_remove (cat "Entfernen")
- #cpu_too_low (cat "Sie haben einen " (database "cpu") " Prozessor installiert, aber um " @app-name
- " zu benutzen, benötigen Sie mindestens einen 68020 Prozessor.\nDie Installation "
- "wird nun abgebrochen...")
- ;=== program files ===
- ;
- #askdest_prompt (cat "Zielverzeichnis für " @app-name " wählen. Es wird ein neues Verzeichnis erstellt, falls nötig.")
- #askdest_help (cat "Wählen Sie das Zielverzeichnis, in das " @app-name "installiert werden "
- "soll. Es wird ein neues Verzeichnis erstellt.")
- #files2copy_prompt (cat "Wählen Sie das zu installierende Hauptprogramm.")
- #files2copy_help (cat "Wählen Sie das zu installierende Hauptprogramm, das dem Prozessor Ihres System entspricht.")
- #copycopy_prompt (cat "Die %s Version von " @app-name " wird installiert.")
- #copycopy_help (cat #copycopy_prompt)
- ;=== catalogs ===
- ;
- #catalog_f2c_prompt (cat "Wählen Sie den zu installierenden Sprach-Katalog.")
- #catalog_f2c_help (cat "Wählen Sie die Sprache, die das Hauptprogramm benutzen soll.")
- #getcat_prompt (cat "Zielverzeichnis für Katalog(e) wählen. Ein Verzeichnis wird erstellt, falls nötig.")
- #getcat_help (cat "Normalerweise sollte dasselbe Verzeichnis gewählt werden, "
- "in welches das Hauptprogramm installiert wurde. Ein Verzeichnis "
- "wird erstellt, falls nötig. LOCALE: wäre eine andere Möglichkeit.")
- #copycat_prompt (cat "Installiere %s Katalog...")
- #copycat_help (cat "Die %s Katalog-Dateien werden installiert.")
- ;=== guide ===
- ;
- #guide_f2c_prompt (cat "Wählen Sie die zu installierende Dokumentation.")
- #guide_f2c_help (cat "Wählen Sie die Sprache der Dokumentation, die installiert werden soll.")
- #getdoc_prompt (cat "wählen Sie das Zielverzeichnis für die Dokumentation. Ein neues Verzeichnis wird erstellt, falls nötig.")
- #getdoc_help (cat "Normalerweise sollte dasselbe Verzeichnis gewählt werden, "
- " in welches das Hauptprogramm installiert wurde. Ein Verzeichnis "
- "wird erstellt, falls nötig.")
- #copydoc_prompt (cat "Installiere Dokumentation...")
- #copydoc_help (cat "Die %s Dokumentation wird installiert.")
- #copydoc_misc_pmt (cat "Installiere zusätzliche Dokumentationen...")
- #copydoc_misc_hlp (cat "Einige Texte mit zusätzliche Informationen werden installiert.")
- ;=== arexx ===
- ;
- #rexx_f2c_prompt (cat "ARexx-Beispieldateien installieren ?")
- #rexx_f2c_help (cat "Wählen Sie, ob die ARexx-Beispieldateien installiert werden sollen oder nicht.")
- #rexx_dest_prompt (cat "Wählen Sie das Zielverzeichnis für die ARexx-Beispieldateien. Ein neues Verzeichnis "
- "wird erstellt, falls nötig.")
- #rexx_dest_help (cat "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, in welches die ARexx-Beispieldateien installiert "
- "werden sollen. Es wird ein neues Verzeichnis erstellt, falls nötig.")
- #rexx_copy_prompt (cat "Installiere ARexx-Beispieldateien...")
- #rexx_copy_help (cat "Die ARexx-Beispieldateien werden kopiert.")
- ;=== wbstartup ===
- ;
- #cpy_wbstartup_prompt (cat @app-name " beim booten automatisch starten ?")
- #cpy_wbstartup_help (cat "Ein Piktogramm wird in das Verzeichnis SYS:WBStartup/ kopiert. "
- "Jedesmal, wenn der Rechner bootet, wird " @app-name " automatisch gestartet. "
- "Wählen Sie das zu startende Hauptprogramm.")
- #cpy_wbstart_none (cat "Nein")
- #wbstart_prompt (cat "Die %s Version des Hauptprogramms wird beim booten gestartet.")
- #wbstart_help (cat "Die ausgewählte Version des Hauptprogramm von " @app-name " wird gestartet, "
- "wenn der Rechner bootet.")
- ;=== tooltypes ===
- ;
- #ttype_prefs_prompt (cat "Da %s ein Commodity ist, müssen noch einige Einstellungen vorgenommen werden.\n"
- "Geben Sie die Tastenkombination ein, mit der das Voreinstellungsfenster geöfnet werden soll, "
- "z.B.\n'lshift lalt v' (= linke Shift-Taste + linke Alt-Taste + v):"
- )
- #ttype_prefs_help (cat "Geben Sie ein Tastenkombination ein, jedoch ohne \'.")
- #ttype_load_prompt (cat "Geben Sie die Tasenkonbination ein, die eine Dateiabfrage öffnet:")
- #ttype_load_help (cat "Wie vorherige. " #ttype_prefs_help)
- #ttype_popup_prompt (cat "Soll das Voreinstellungsfenster automatisch nach dem Programmstart geöffnet werden ?")
- #ttype_popup_help (cat "Sie können dies später ändern über das ToolType CX_POPUP=<YES|NO>.")
- #ttype_set_prompt (cat "Die geforderten Änderung werden am %s Piktogramm vorgenommen.")
- #ttype_set_help (cat "Alle Anpassungen können später wieder von Hand geändert werden.")
- ;=== update drawer ===
- ;
- #update_dest_prompt (cat "Wo befindet sich die Hauptprogramme der alten Installation von\n" @app-name " ?")
- #update_dest_help (cat "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, in welches die Hauptprogramme (oder das "
- "Hauptprogramm) von " @app-name " installiert worden war(en).")
- #update_f2c_prompt (cat "Zu erneuernde(s) Hauptprogramm(e) wählen:")
- #update_f2c_help (cat "Wählen Sie das/die zu erneuernde(s) Hauptprogramm(e).")
- #update_cat_prompt (cat "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis, in dem die Kataloge installiert sind.")
- #update_cat_help (cat "Dies sollte das Hauptprogramm-Verzeichnis sein oder LOCALE:")
- #update_no_exe (cat "Kann keine zu erneuernden Dateien finden. Breche ab...")
- ;=== remove drawer ===
- ;
- #remove_safe_prompt (cat "Wollen Sie wirklich Ihre Installation von\n" @app-name "\nentfernen ?")
- #remove_safe_help (cat "Dies ist die letzte Chance abzubrechen !!!")
- #remove_del_prompt (cat "Entferne alte\n" @app-name "-Installation.")
- #remove_del_help (cat "Sie werden keine zweite Chance zum Abbruch bekommen !!!")
- #remove_no_exe (cat "Konnte kein(e) " @app-name " Hauptprogramm(e) im gewählten Verzeichnis "
- "finden. Breche ab...")
- )
- )
- ;
- ; ==================== sverige ====================
- ;
- (if (= #installer_locale 2)
- (set
- ;=== general ===
- ;
- #welcome_text (cat "This script lets you install\n" @app-name "\non your system.")
- #welcome_update (cat "This script will update an existing\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
- #welcome_remove (cat "This script will remove an existing\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
- #error_instvers_msg (cat "You are using the installer version %ld.%ld.\n"
- "This script will probably not work.\n"
- "Try installing anyway ?")
- #error_instvers_help (cat "Get the most resent version from http://www.amiga.de\nVersion 42.9+ is required.")
- #action_prompt (cat "What do you want to do ?")
- #action_help (cat "Select an action to perform.")
- #action_install (cat "Install")
- #action_update (cat "Update")
- #action_remove (cat "Remove")
- #cpu_too_low (cat "You have installed a " (database "cpu") " processor, but a 68020 processor "
- "is minimal required in order to use " @app-name ".\nI'm quitting now...")
- ;=== program files ===
- ;
- #askdest_prompt (cat "Select destination for " @app-name ". A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #askdest_help (cat "Select the destination drawer for " @app-name ". A new drawer will be generated.")
- #files2copy_prompt (cat "Select main program to install.")
- #files2copy_help (cat "Select the program file to install according to the processor your system has.")
- #copycopy_prompt (cat "The %s version of " @app-name " will be copied.")
- #copycopy_help (cat #copycopy_prompt)
- ;=== catalogs ===
- ;
- #catalog_f2c_prompt (cat "Select language catalog to copy.")
- #catalog_f2c_help (cat "Select the language(s) to install.")
- #getcat_prompt (cat "Select target drawer for catalog(s). A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #getcat_help (cat "Normally, select the drawer the main program was installed to. "
- "A new drawer will be generated, if necessary. "
- "LOCALE: would be another option.")
- #copycat_prompt (cat "Copying %s catalog...")
- #copycat_help (cat "The %s catalog files will be copied.")
- ;=== guide ===
- ;
- #guide_f2c_prompt (cat "Select documentation to install.")
- #guide_f2c_help (cat "Select documentation language you like to install.")
- #getdoc_prompt (cat "Select destination for documentation. A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #getdoc_help (cat "Normally, select the drawer the main program was installed to. "
- "A new drawer will be generated, if necessary.")
- #copydoc_prompt (cat "Copying documentation...")
- #copydoc_help (cat "The %s documentation will be copied.")
- #copydoc_misc_pmt (cat "Copying miscellaneous documentation...")
- #copydoc_misc_hlp (cat "Some additional texts will be copied.")
- ;=== arexx ===
- ;
- #rexx_f2c_prompt (cat "Install arexx examples ?")
- #rexx_f2c_help (cat "Select wether to install the example arexx files or not.")
- #rexx_dest_prompt (cat "Select arexx example drawer. A new drawer will be created, if necessary.")
- #rexx_dest_help (cat "Select a drawer into which the example arexx files will be installed. "
- "A new drawer will be generated, if necessary.")
- #rexx_copy_prompt (cat "Copying arexx examples...")
- #rexx_copy_help (cat "The arexx example files will be copied.")
- ;=== wbstartup ===
- ;
- #cpy_wbstartup_prompt (cat "Start " @app-name " automatically every time you boot ?")
- #cpy_wbstartup_help (cat "An icon will be copied to SYS:WBStartup/ drawer. Every time you boot "
- @app-name " will be started automatically. Select the program version "
- "to be started.")
- #cpy_wbstart_none (cat "No")
- #wbstart_prompt (cat "The %s client will be started on boot time.")
- #wbstart_help (cat "The selected version of " @app-name " will be started during booting.")
- ;=== tooltypes ===
- ;
- #ttype_prefs_prompt (cat "Since %s is a commodity some setup is required.\n"
- "Type the keys which will bring up the preferences window, "
- "for example\n'lshift lalt v' (= left shift + left alt + v):"
- )
- #ttype_prefs_help (cat "Type in a combination of keys, but without then \'.")
- #ttype_load_prompt (cat "Type the keys which will bring up a file load requester:")
- #ttype_load_help (cat "Same as previous. " #ttype_prefs_help)
- #ttype_popup_prompt (cat "Should the preferences window open automatically after program start ?")
- #ttype_popup_help (cat "You can change this later via the tooltype CX_POPUP=<YES|NO>.")
- #ttype_set_prompt (cat "The requested changes to the %s program icon will be made.")
- #ttype_set_help (cat "All changes can be manually altered later.")
- ;=== update drawer ===
- ;
- #update_dest_prompt (cat "Locate " @app-name "'s executable(s):")
- #update_dest_help (cat "Select the drawer where " @app-name "'s executable(s) resides in.")
- #update_f2c_prompt (cat "Select executables to update:")
- #update_f2c_help (cat "Select that executable(s) which should be updated.")
- #update_cat_prompt (cat "Select drawer where old catalogs were installed:")
- #update_cat_help (cat "This should be either the drawer where the executables reside in "
- "or LOCALE:")
- #update_no_exe (cat "Couldn't find files to update. Exitting...")
- ;=== remove drawer ===
- ;
- #remove_safe_prompt (cat "Do you really want to delete your\n" @app-name "\ninstallation ?")
- #remove_safe_help (cat "This is the last chance to cancel !!!")
- #remove_del_prompt (cat "Deleting old\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
- #remove_del_help (cat "You will get no second chance to quit !!!")
- #remove_no_exe (cat "Didn't find " @app-name " executable(s) in selected drawer. Exitting...")
- )
- )
- ;======================================
- ;=== Get install destination drawer ===
- ;======================================
- (procedure P_GetDestination
- (debug "Ask destination drawer:")
- (P_GetDestBaseDrawer)
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest @app-name))
- (debug "Destination drawer is" @default-dest ".\n")
- )
- (procedure P_GetDestBaseDrawer
- (set @default-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #askdest_prompt)
- (help #askdest_help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "RAM:")
- (newpath)
- )
- )
- )
- ;===============================
- ;=== Copy main program files ===
- ;===============================
- (procedure P_CopyMainFiles
- ;;;
- ; Get destination drawer
- ;;;
- (P_GetDestination)
- ;;;
- ; Select main program files to install
- ;;;
- (set #program_files2copy
- (askoptions
- (prompt #files2copy_prompt)
- (help #files2copy_help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
- (choices (cat @app-name "68k")
- (cat @app-name "68k FPU")
- (cat @app-name "PPC")
- )
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= #program_files2copy 0) (exit (quiet)))
- ;;;
- ; Generate destination drawer
- ;;;
- (makedir @default-dest
- (infos)
- )
- (debug "Drawer" @default-dest "generated.")
- ;;;
- ; Copy requested files
- ;;;
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 0) (P_CopyOneExecutable "68k"))
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 1) (P_CopyOneExecutable "68k_fpu"))
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 2) (P_CopyOneExecutable "PPC"))
- (debug "Main files copied.\n")
- )
- (procedure P_CopyOneExecutable #exe_name
- (debug ("Copying %s files..." #exe_name))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt (#copycopy_prompt #exe_name))
- (help (#copycopy_help #exe_name) "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source "/")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (pattern (cat "#?" #exe_name "#?"))
- (infos)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- ;=====================
- ;=== Copy catalogs ===
- ;=====================
- (procedure P_CopyCatalogs
- (debug "Ask catalogs to copy:")
- ;;;
- ; Select catalogs to copy
- ;;;
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (debug "Ask catalog language.")
- (set #catalog_files2copy
- (askoptions
- (prompt #catalog_f2c_prompt)
- (help #catalog_f2c_help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
- (choices "english (built in)"
- "deutsch"
- ;;;"sverige"
- )
- (default (shiftleft 1 #installer_locale))
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Copy install script language catalog.")
- (set #catalog_files2copy (shiftleft 1 #installer_locale))
- )
- )
- ;;;
- ; Get catalog drawer
- ;;;
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (debug "Ask target drawer for catalogs.")
- (set #copycat_target
- (askdir
- (prompt #getcat_prompt)
- (help #getcat_help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- (newpath)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Set target for catalogs to default destination.")
- (set #copycat_target @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ;;;
- ; Create drawer
- ;;;
- (set #copycat_target
- (tackon #copycat_target "Catalogs")
- )
- (makedir #copycat_target)
- (debug "Selected drawer for catalogs is" #copycat_target ".\n")
- ;;;
- ; Copy catalogs
- ;;;
- (if (IN #catalog_files2copy 0) (P_CopyOneCatalog "english"))
- (if (IN #catalog_files2copy 1) (P_CopyOneCatalog "deutsch"))
- (if (IN #catalog_files2copy 2) (P_CopyOneCatalog "sverige"))
- (debug "Catalogs copied.\n")
- )
- (procedure P_CopyOneCatalog #language_name
- (debug ("Copying %s catalog to %s." #language_name #copycat_target))
- (makedir (tackon #copycat_target #language_name))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt (#copycat_prompt #language_name))
- (help (#copycat_help #language_name) "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source (cat "/Catalogs/" #language_name "/"))
- (dest (tackon #copycat_target (cat #language_name "/")))
- (all)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- ;=================
- ;=== Copy docs ===
- ;=================
- (procedure P_CopyDocs
- (debug "Ask guide to copy:")
- ;;;
- ; Select docs to copy
- ;;;
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (debug "Ask documentation language.")
- (set #catalog_files2copy
- (askchoice
- (prompt #guide_f2c_prompt)
- (help #guide_f2c_help "\n\n" @askchoice-help)
- (choices "english"
- "deutsch"
- ;;;"sverige"
- )
- (default #installer_locale)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Copy install script language documentation.")
- (set #catalog_files2copy #installer_locale)
- )
- )
- ;;;
- ; Get doc drawer
- ;;;
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (debug "Ask target drawer for docs.")
- (set #copydoc_target
- (askdir
- (prompt #getdoc_prompt)
- (help #getdoc_help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- (newpath)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Set target for docs to program drawer.")
- (set #copydoc_target @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ;;;
- ; Create drawer
- ;;;
- (set #copydoc_target
- (tackon #copydoc_target "Guide")
- )
- (makedir #copydoc_target)
- ;;;
- ; Copy docs
- ;;;
- (if (= #catalog_files2copy 0) (P_CopyOneGuide "English.guide"))
- (if (= #catalog_files2copy 1) (P_CopyOneGuide "Deutsch.guide"))
- (if (= #catalog_files2copy 2) (P_CopyOneGuide "Sverige.guide"))
- ;;;
- ; Copy miscellaneous texts
- ;;;
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copydoc_misc_pmt)
- (help #copydoc_misc_hlp "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source "/Guide/")
- (dest #copydoc_target)
- (pattern "#?.txt")
- )
- (debug "Guides copied.\n")
- )
- (procedure P_CopyOneGuide #guide_name
- (debug ("Copying %s." #guide_name))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt (#copydoc_prompt #guide_name))
- (help (#copydoc_help #guide_name) "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source (cat "/Guide/" #guide_name))
- (dest #copydoc_target)
- (newname (cat @app-name ".guide"))
- (confirm)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt (#copydoc_prompt #guide_name))
- (help (#copydoc_help #guide_name) "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source (cat "/Guide/" #guide_name ".info"))
- (dest #copydoc_target)
- (newname (cat @app-name ".guide.info"))
- )
- )
- ;==========================
- ;=== Copy rexx examples ===
- ;==========================
- (procedure P_CopyRexxExamples
- (debug "Ask wether arexx examples to copy.")
- ;;;
- ; Copy arexx examples ?
- ;;;
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (debug "Ask wether to install arexx examples.")
- (set #copy_rexx
- (askbool
- (prompt #rexx_f2c_prompt)
- (help #rexx_f2c_help "\n\n" @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Install arexx examples by default.")
- (set #copy_rexx 1)
- )
- )
- ;;;
- ; Copy examples requested
- ;;;
- (if (= #copy_rexx 1)
- (
- (debug "Install rexx examples.")
- ;;;
- ; Get arexx drawer
- ;;;
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (
- (debug "Ask target drawer for arexx")
- (set #copyrexx_target
- (askdir
- (prompt #rexx_dest_prompt)
- (help #rexx_dest_help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- (newpath)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Set target for rexx to program drawer")
- (set #copyrexx_target @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ;;;
- ; Create drawer
- ;;;
- (set #copyrexx_target
- (tackon #copyrexx_target "Rexx")
- )
- (makedir #copyrexx_target)
- ;;;
- ; Copy files
- ;;;
- (debug "Copying arexx examples.")
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #rexx_copy_prompt)
- (help #rexx_copy_help "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source "/Rexx/")
- (dest #copyrexx_target)
- (all)
- (confirm)
- )
- (debug "ARexx examples copied.\n")
- )
- )
- )
- ;=====================
- ;=== Set tooltypes ===
- ;=====================
- (procedure P_InitToolTypes
- (debug "About to set tooltypes.")
- ;;;
- ; Pop up preferences keys
- ;;;
- (set #ttype_prefs_key
- (askstring
- (prompt (#ttype_prefs_prompt @app-name))
- (help #ttype_prefs_help "\n\n" @askstring-help)
- )
- )
- (debug ("Prefs popup key is %s." #ttype_prefs_key))
- ;;;
- ; Pop up load key
- ;;;
- (set #ttype_load_key
- (askstring
- (prompt #ttype_load_prompt)
- (help #ttype_load_help "\n\n" @askstring-help)
- )
- )
- (debug ("Prefs popup key is %s." #ttype_load_key))
- ;;;
- ; Pop up preferences after start
- ;;;
- (set #ttype_popup
- (askbool
- (prompt #ttype_popup_prompt)
- (help #ttype_popup_help "\n\n" @askbool-help)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= #ttype_popup 0)
- (
- (set #ttype_popup "NO")
- )
- ;else
- (
- (set #ttype_popup "YES")
- )
- )
- (debug ("Popup preferences after program start is set to %s." #ttype_popup))
- ;;;
- ; Adjust tooltypes
- ;;;
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 0) (P_SetToolTypes "68k"))
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 1) (P_SetToolTypes "68k_fpu"))
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 2) (P_SetToolTypes "PPC"))
- ;;;
- ; Copy icon to wbstartup
- ;;;
- (if (= #copy_wbstartup 1) (P_CopyWBStartup "68k"))
- (if (= #copy_wbstartup 2) (P_CopyWBStartup "68k_fpu"))
- (if (= #copy_wbstartup 3) (P_CopyWBStartup "PPC"))
- )
- (procedure P_CopyWBStartup #main_type
- (debug ("Copy %s icon to SYS:WBStartup/." #main_type))
- (set #wbstartup_target "SYS:WBStartup/")
- (copyfiles
- (prompt (#wbstart_prompt #main_type))
- (help #wbstart_help "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)
- (source "WBStartup_icon")
- (dest #wbstartup_target)
- (newname (cat @app-name #main_type ".info"))
- (confirm)
- )
- (tooltype
- (dest (cat #wbstartup_target @app-name #main_type))
- (setdefaulttool (cat (tackon @default-dest @app-name) #main_type))
- (settooltype "LOADKEY" #ttype_load_key)
- (settooltype "CX_POPKEY" #ttype_prefs_key)
- (settooltype "CX_POPUP" #ttype_popup)
- (settooltype "DONOTWAIT" "")
- (setstack 16384)
- (noposition)
- )
- )
- (procedure P_SetToolTypes #name_expand
- (debug ("Setting %s icon information." #name_expand))
- (tooltype
- (prompt (#ttype_set_prompt #name_expand))
- (help #ttype_set_help)
- (dest (cat (tackon @default-dest @app-name) #name_expand))
- (settooltype "LOADKEY" #ttype_load_key)
- (settooltype "CX_POPKEY" #ttype_prefs_key)
- (settooltype "CX_POPUP" #ttype_popup)
- (settooltype "DONOTWAIT" "")
- (setstack 16384)
- (noposition)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- ;=====================
- ;=== Install stuff ===
- ;=====================
- (procedure P_Install
- (debug "Perform installation")
- (welcome #welcome_text)
- (P_CopyMainFiles)
- (complete 25)
- (P_CopyCatalogs)
- (complete 50)
- (P_CopyDocs)
- (complete 75)
- (P_CopyRexxExamples)
- (complete 99)
- ;
- ;=== Copy icon to wbstartup
- ;
- (set #cpy_wbstart_68k "")
- (set #cpy_wbstart_68k_fpu "")
- (set #cpy_wbstart_ppc "")
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 0) (set #cpy_wbstart_68k (cat @app-name "68k")))
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 1) (set #cpy_wbstart_68k_fpu (cat @app-name "68k FPU")))
- (if (IN #program_files2copy 2) (set #cpy_wbstart_ppc (cat @app-name "PPC")))
- (set #copy_wbstartup
- (askchoice
- (prompt #cpy_wbstartup_prompt)
- (help #cpy_wbstartup_help "\n\n" @askchoice-help)
- (choices #cpy_wbstart_none
- #cpy_wbstart_68k
- #cpy_wbstart_68k_fpu
- #cpy_wbstart_ppc
- )
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (debug ("Copy to SYS:WBStartup/ is %ld." #copy_wbstartup))
- (P_InitToolTypes)
- (complete 100)
- )
- ;=======================================
- ;=== Update an existing installation ===
- ;=======================================
- (procedure P_Update
- (debug "Perform update")
- (welcome #welcome_update)
- ;=== Get destination drawer ===
- ;
- (set #askdest_prompt #update_dest_prompt
- #askdest_help #update_dest_help
- )
- (P_GetDestBaseDrawer)
- (debug ("Old installation in %s." @default-dest))
- ;=== Get files to update ===
- ;
- (set #update_files 0)
- (P_FilesToUpdate "68k" 1)
- (P_FilesToUpdate "68k_fpu" 2)
- (P_FilesToUpdate "PPC" 4)
- (debug ("Update executable bitmask is %ld.\n" #update_files))
- (if (= #update_files 0)
- (
- (message #update_no_exe)
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- )
- ;=== Update main ===
- ;
- (if (IN #update_files 0)
- (set #upd_68k (cat @app-name "68k"))
- ;else
- (set #upd_68k "")
- )
- (if (IN #update_files 1)
- (set #upd_68k_fpu (cat @app-name "68k FPU"))
- ;else
- (set #upd_68k_fpu "")
- )
- (if (IN #update_files 2)
- (set #upd_PPC (cat @app-name "PPC"))
- ;else
- (set #upd_PPC "")
- )
- (if (= @user-level 2)
- (set #update_files
- (askoptions
- (prompt #update_f2c_prompt)
- (help #update_f2c_help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
- (choices #upd_68k
- #upd_68k_fpu
- #upd_PPC
- )
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN #update_files 0) (P_CopyOneExecutable "68k"))
- (if (IN #update_files 1) (P_CopyOneExecutable "68k_fpu"))
- (if (IN #update_files 2) (P_CopyOneExecutable "PPC"))
- (debug "Main files updated.")
- ;=== Update catalog(s) ===
- ;
- (if (OR (= @user-level 2) (NOT (exists (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs"))))
- (
- (debug "Ask old catalogs drawer.")
- (set #copycat_target
- (askdir
- (prompt #update_cat_prompt)
- (help #update_cat_help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- (newpath)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Set target for catalogs to default destination.")
- (set #copycat_target @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (set #copycat_target
- (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs")
- )
- (if (exists #copycat_target)
- (foreach #copycat_target "#?"
- (P_CopyOneCatalog @each-name)
- )
- )
- (debug "Catalogs updated.")
- ;=== Update doc ===
- ;
- (P_CopyDocs)
- ;=== Update rexx ===
- ;
- (P_CopyRexxExamples)
- (debug "Update complete.\n")
- )
- (procedure P_FilesToUpdate #file_expand #bit_mask
- (set #update_filename (cat (tackon @default-dest @app-name) #file_expand))
- (debug ("Updating file %s ?" #update_filename))
- (if (exists #update_filename)
- (
- (set #update_files (BITOR #update_files #bit_mask))
- (debug ("\tUpdating old %s file." #update_filename))
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "\tNo old installation found.")
- )
- )
- )
- ;====================================
- ;=== Remove existing installation ===
- ;====================================
- (procedure P_Remove
- (debug "Perform remove")
- (welcome #welcome_remove)
- ;=== Get destination drawer ===
- ;
- (set #askdest_prompt #update_dest_prompt
- #askdest_help #update_dest_help
- )
- (P_GetDestBaseDrawer)
- (debug ("Drawer to remove is %s." @default-dest))
- ;=== Main executable(s) there ? ===
- ;
- (debug "Main executable(s) there ?")
- (if (NOT (exists (cat (tackon @default-dest @app-name) "68k")))
- (
- (if (NOT (exists (cat (tackon @default-dest @app-name) "68k_fpu")))
- (
- (if (NOT (exists (cat (tackon @default-dest @app-name) "PPC")))
- (
- (message #remove_no_exe)
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;=== Remove drawer ===
- ;
- (set #really_delete
- (askbool
- (prompt #remove_safe_prompt)
- (help #remove_safe_help "\n\n" @askbool-help)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= #really_delete 1)
- (
- (debug ("Deleting drawer %s." @default-dest))
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "/"))
- (set @default-dest (substr @default-dest 0 (- (strlen @default-dest) 2)))
- (delete @default-dest
- (prompt #remove_del_prompt)
- (help #remove_del_help)
- (all)
- (optional askuser)
- (confirm)
- )
- (delete (cat @default-dest ".info")
- (prompt #remove_del_prompt)
- (help #remove_del_help)
- (optional askuser)
- )
- (set @default-dest "RAM:")
- )
- )
- )
- ;============
- ;=== Main ===
- ;============
- (complete 0)
- ;=== Check 68k processor version ===
- ;
- (debug ("CPU is a %s." (database "cpu")))
- (if (patmatch "(68000|68010)" (database "cpu"))
- (
- (message #cpu_too_low)
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- )
- ;=== Check installer version & exit eventually ===
- ;
- (set #install_ver (/ @installer-version 65536))
- (set #install_rev (- @installer-version (* #install_ver 65536)))
- (debug ("Installer version %ld.%ld." #install_ver #install_rev))
- (if (< #install_ver 43)
- (
- (debug "Installer version too low.")
- (set #installer_ok
- (askbool
- (prompt (#error_instvers_msg #install_ver #install_rev))
- (help #error_instvers_help "\n\n" @askbool-help)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (debug "Installer version is ok.")
- (set #installer_ok 1)
- )
- )
- (if (NOT #installer_ok)
- (
- (debug "Aborting installation.")
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- )
- ;=== Select type of action ===
- ;
- (set #type_of_action
- (askchoice
- (prompt #action_prompt)
- (help #action_help "\n\n" @askchoice-help)
- (choices
- #action_install
- #action_update
- #action_remove
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= #type_of_action 0) (P_Install))
- (if (= #type_of_action 1) (P_Update))
- (if (= #type_of_action 2) (P_Remove))
- (exit)